On October 1, 2020, Belize opened its international airport, after being closed for 6 months. We are welcoming all international travelers including from the USA and Canada. The government of Belize has created a new set of safety protocols and recommendations for hotels, restaurants and tours so that we may safely welcome back guests and you may safely travel to the best spot in the Caribbean. The new protocols are called “Gold Standard Certification”, and even though they require A LOT of work from hotel owners, I think the creators of this plan did a great job.
In order to prepare for guests, we’ve had to watch hours and hours of webinars teaching us the “Gold Standard” guidelines, including how to clean properly. I now know the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. We’ve learned about high touch points and how to properly wear masks and gloves. We’ve put our own procedures into place that work for our resort, including adding a new position called “Beach Host”. The Beach Host will be available to check out our shared beach equipment such as kayaks, paddle boards and volleyballs. He will also be available to disinfect those items once you are through!

We have installed touchless sanitizer and soap dispensers everywhere, and we have trained our team on how to take temperature and look out for symptoms among team members or guests.

Hurricane Nana
Of course, while we were closed, we were also visited by hurricane Nana. Nana came straight for our dock, sparing all those around us, but demolishing ours. Hurricane Nana also destroyed our rooftop garden.
The silver lining of all this is that we are rebuilding the dock, so it will be stronger and more beautiful than ever. We are adding a fun recreational feature to the dock (Its a SURPRISE, you’ll see it once its finished). And we are adding more outdoor public spaces.
What used to be the garden, will now be a rooftop lounge with a beautiful overhead shade, lovely potted flowers and plenty of socially distanced seating.
The restaurant will have expanded seating and a railing removed for an even MORE open air feeling.
Like I said, I’m pretty happy with the regulations that were put in place by the Government of Belize to keep us safe. But I’m even happier with the modifications and additions we’ve made to Beaches and Dreams as a side affect of our Covid closure
New garden lounge Rebuilding the dock Expanded restaurant
We miss you, come for a visit!
If you would like to visit us at Beaches and Dreams in Belize, take a look at one of our most popular packages. Or create a custom package of your own. Also take a look at this infographic on what to expect when traveling to Belize in 2020 and 2021.