Introducing our split life When we moved to Hopkins Belize, I could not have predicted the split life I am now leading. I live part time in Belize City and part time in Hopkins because of the kids' school. For the first three years in Belize, both of my kids...
Choosing a High School in Belize
When we moved to Belize in 2017, Fay was 9 and Rex was 7. They were both still in primary school and I felt lucky to have found public school nearby that we have really enjoyed being a part of. Our primary school, Sittee River Methodist, is small and has...
Culture Day at School
Every November, at school, the kids learn about and celebrate all of the cultures of Belize. Belize has so many cultures and communities with rich histories and present day traditions that make Belize a truly unique place. It's not a melting pot -- some communities consist of ONLY those people...
Our School Last Year and Upcoming 2nd Year
The kids finished up their first year at Sittee River Methodist School in June and I finished my first year learning about how schools work here in Belize compared to what I experienced as a child in the Midwest and what my kids experienced in NYC. We moved here with...
Kids start at Sittee River Methodist School
We arrived in Belize about 4 weeks before the school year began. Ryan and I both wanted the kids to be here for a nice length of time before school began, so they could get comfortable just being in a new country and at the resort. As the days counted...