Maya ruins jungle temple
Belize trip turtle snorkel
Belize howler monkey in tree
Actun Tunichil Muknal cave entrance

Hopkins Belize Tours

The largest tour operator in Hopkins, Belize, Beaches and Dreams Tours, located in our hotel lobby, offers over 30 tours, 7 days a week. Call or WhatsApp +501 622-1403, or just stop on by to jump on one of our “Show and Go” tours to save up to 50%!

To Book Tours:

Call or WhatsApp +501 622-1403 or email

5 star rating The employees at Beaches & Dreams are what makes this resort so fabulous. It is a small resort with only 11 rooms. Because of the smaller size, we really got to know the employees and the other guests. One of my friends hurt her back while there. Melanie in the office called the local pharmacy to ask about a back brace, but they didn't have any. So, Melanie had her husband bring hers from home which she sold to my friend. Wow! That's genuine customer service. - Jo - 2/20/2023 
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