Best Restaurants
in Hopkins Belize
When in Hopkins Belize join us at the Barracuda for fine dining,
or the Sea Bar for pizza & kebabs!
For Reservations :
For reservations, call or WhatsApp +501 622-1403 or email reservations@beachesanddreams.com


Featuring wood-fired pizzas and kebabs, an extensive drink menu, and beers on ice, you’ll find a great mix of locals and tourists at the Sea Bar. Open Saturdays and Sundays 12-3.

Enjoy fresh coffee, cold brew, or a lime ricky while you find your perfect tour at Amped Coffee & Tours. And don’t forget our famous Belizean meat pies (beef, chicken, and veggie) and coconut crusts, baked daily on-premises. Open Mon-Sat from 7-5.
For Reservations :
For reservations, call or WhatsApp +501 622-1403 or email reservations@beachesanddreams.com
- 92kaycee_am

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